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Webinar for Doctoral Students' Employability

Webinar for Doctoral Students' Employability

  • September 2 2024
  • Christian
Blog Details

1- Context
In Africa, beyond the issue of access to universities and doctoral schools, there is also the challenge of the quality of supervision and professional integration of doctoral students, a major challenge for the academic and economic development of the continent. In a context where 30 million young people are expected to enter the job market each year by 2030, it is imperative to strengthen the professional integration of doctoral students and support them in the valorization of their research results. This requires the implementation of specific training programs that go beyond mere academic knowledge transmission to include career management, communication, and entrepreneurship skills. Additionally, it is essential to establish effective mechanisms for linking universities and the professional world to facilitate the integration of doctoral students into the job market. By encouraging collaboration between the academic and industrial sectors, doctoral students will better understand market needs and adapt their research accordingly, thereby enhancing their employability and the impact of their work.
In this perspective, the West Africa Directorate of the Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF) is organizing a series of two webinars aimed at raising awareness among doctoral students from AUF member universities in West Africa. This initiative follows the regional workshop that trained trainers specialized in supporting doctoral students, held in Cotonou from May 13 to 18, 2024, in collaboration with the Capacity Building Service of the Research and Innovation Mobilization for Development Department of the French National Research Institute for Sustainable Development (IRD France).

2- Objectives
The general objective of these webinars is to strengthen the employability of young researchers from AUF member universities in West Africa. More specifically, these trainings aim to familiarize doctoral students with the strategies and tools necessary for the valorization of their research results or the creation of businesses.

Webinar Date: September 11-12, 2024.


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